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Our center is situated on the edge of the McDonald-Dunn Forest in a quiet area outside of Corvallis, a small college town in Oregon.  The space is quiet and serene with a professional feel.


The Importance of Setting

Evidence and user reports have confirmed the significance of “set and setting” in shaping a psilocybin experience. Unstuck provides a serene and plant-centered environment, featuring cozy sofas, gentle rugs, and adjustable lighting options, facilitating a thoughtfully curated journey.

The power of “set” lies in the preparation and intentions you bring to your experience. Our team of licensed facilitators is dedicated to guiding you and offering valuable advice and support ensuring the most beneficial and rewarding experience possible.

First Impressions

Visitors are greeted in a warm and welcoming waiting room. The center has lots of natural light and plants that fill the space. 


Focus on Your Internal World

Research supports the use of an eye mask and headphones to limit outside visual and auditory information. The psilocybin experience is an inward journey, and thus we provide each client with a personal eye mask that they take home with them, along with a journal. A set of headphones and curated music is provided during the administration session. 

During the session, clients can lay down on comfy soft plush couches, with soft blankets provided for warmth and comfort. 

A Sense of Space

Each room has vaulted ceilings with high windows, allow clients a sense of space. 

Tour of Unstuck Psilocybin Treatment Center

Tour of Unstuck Psilocybin Treatment Center

3-D Tour

Setting matters! 

For a full 3-D tour of our center, click on this link:

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